Branding, Art Direction & Strategy

Branding is more than a logo, it's your whole marketing platform. Whether we're starting from scratch, or you just need a refresh, we use a combination of brand science, intuition, and industry experience, to develop your marketing identity that will hold up for years to come.

It's all about distinctive brand assets

Ritter Knight uses a scientific yet intuitive approach to branding with a proven process to help brands grow.

One of those ways is being noticed and recognized as being distinctive in your market and using those assets consistently.

During the branding phase, Ritter Knight will help you design and choose appropriate brand assets including typefaces, colors, words, shapes, photography styling, and more.

And if it's time for a brand new or refreshed identity (logo), we can help with that as well.

Branding and design done better

Great design is not how something looks, it's how something works (as noted by the late Steve Jobs). The typography... the colors... the rhythm... the feel..... the copy. It should all fit and work together.

When something is well designed, it often gets out of the way to let the content shine. Come for the design, stay for the content.

Your cohesive brand

We specialize in offering design for the web and digital but since everything in marketing tends to circle back to your website, it's important for those materials to be on-brand as well.

We also offer branding and design solutions for other mediums including:

  • Print
  • TV & Video
  • Signage
  • Brand Identity
  • ... and more

From websites to print ads and back again, if it involves content, we've got you covered.

We can help you design "the whole widget."

Can we help you with Branding, Art Direction & Strategy?

Get in touch.

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