E-mail & Marketing Automation

E-mail is an important piece in your overall marketing strategy to help attract and retain customers. Yet a lot of marketers do it wrong by creating ineffective messaging. Or by sending too often... or even too little.

The right message, at the right time.

We love e-mail. It's ubiquitous and when done properly, it gets results.

How do we get results?

It's simple really:

  1. Develop a strategy
  2. Build up a list
  3. Craft messaging & images
  4. Send and track the results.

But in that implicit simplicity, any number of things can go wrong.

  • Are you segmenting your e-mail lists?
  • Are we sending at the right time of day?
  • Are we interpreting the results from all these campaigns correctly?
  • Who's bought or engaged based on these campaigns?

Automate This

Today's buyers are more informed than ever. But that also means it's more work than ever to help educate them. Marketing automation is a set of tools the can help scale your marketing efforts, making your sales process more efficient.

E-mail marketing automation platforms can trigger specific e-mail campaigns based on what actions a user takes on a website, then have a salesperson later follow-up with certain, more highly engaged users who are most likely buy.

For example: did someone check out a few different products from your catalog, visit the comparison chart, but didn't make a purchase? Send them an e-mail from a salesperson asking if they had any questions on product X or product Y?

When done properly, marketing automation helps to give your prospects and clients exactly the right information at the exactly the right time.

How can we help you?

Let's show you what you're doing right with your e-mail campaigns so you can turn that up to 11, but also point out what's not so hot so you can mute those campaigns that aren't working.

Can we help you with E-mail & Marketing Automation?

Get in touch.

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